Hacking remember password mozila

 1.  Keluar dari Firefox
2.  Buka Folder berikut >> C:\Program Files\Mozilla firefox\components
3.  Cari File "nsLoginManagerPrompter.js". Jika belum punya silahkan download disini
4.  Buka file "nsLoginManagerPrompter.js" kedalam notepad, kalau bisa sih di notepad++.
5.  Tekan tombol CTRL+F dan cari kode berikut : _showSaveLoginNotification : function (aNotifyObj, aLogin)
6.  Lihat kode dibawahnya, dan hapus pada kode berikut : 

        // Ugh. We can't use the strings from the popup window, because they
        // have the access key marked in the string (eg "Mo&zilla"), along
        // with some weird rules for handling access keys that do not occur
        // in the string, for L10N. See commonDialog.js's setLabelForNode().
        var neverButtonText =
        var neverButtonAccessKey =
        var rememberButtonText =
        var rememberButtonAccessKey =

        var displayHost = this._getShortDisplayHost(aLogin.hostname);
        var notificationText;
        if (aLogin.username) {
            var displayUser = this._sanitizeUsername(aLogin.username);
            notificationText  = this._getLocalizedString(
                                        [displayUser, displayHost]);
        } else {
            notificationText  = this._getLocalizedString(

        // The callbacks in |buttons| have a closure to access the variables
        // in scope here; set one to |this._pwmgr| so we can get back to pwmgr
        // without a getService() call.
        var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;

        // Notification is a PopupNotification
        if (aNotifyObj == this._getPopupNote()) {
            // "Remember" button
            var mainAction = {
                label:     rememberButtonText,
                accessKey: rememberButtonAccessKey,
                callback: function(aNotifyObj, aButton) {

            var secondaryActions = [
                // "Never for this site" button
                    label:     neverButtonText,
                    accessKey: neverButtonAccessKey,
                    callback: function(aNotifyObj, aButton) {
                        pwmgr.setLoginSavingEnabled(aLogin.hostname, false);

            var notifyWin = this._getNotifyWindow();
            var chromeWin = this._getChromeWindow(notifyWin).wrappedJSObject;
            var browser = chromeWin.gBrowser.

            aNotifyObj.show(browser, "password-save", notificationText,
                            "password-notification-icon", mainAction,
                            secondaryActions, { timeout: Date.now() + 10000,
                                                persistWhileVisible: true });
        } else {
            var notNowButtonText =
            var notNowButtonAccessKey =
            var buttons = [
                // "Remember" button
                    label:     rememberButtonText,
                    accessKey: rememberButtonAccessKey,
                    popup:     null,
                    callback: function(aNotifyObj, aButton) {

                // "Never for this site" button
                    label:     neverButtonText,
                    accessKey: neverButtonAccessKey,
                    popup:     null,
                    callback: function(aNotifyObj, aButton) {
                        pwmgr.setLoginSavingEnabled(aLogin.hostname, false);

                // "Not now" button
                    label:     notNowButtonText,
                    accessKey: notNowButtonAccessKey,
                    popup:     null,
                    callback:  function() { /* NOP */ }

            this._showLoginNotification(aNotifyObj, "password-save",
                                        notificationText, buttons);

7.  Setelah menghapus kode diatas, masukkan kode berikut sebagai gantinya :

    var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;

Sehingga tampak seperti berikut :

    _showSaveLoginNotification : function (aNotifyObj, aLogin) {
    var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;

     * _removeLoginNotifications

8.  Jika semua step diatas sudah, lalu simpan file diatas.

*Kesimpulan :
Saat anda sedang memasukkan password (pada apa saja yang anda kungjungi dari firefox),
maka tampilan pop up remember password tidak akan muncul dan akan otomatis mengklik button Remember.

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